“Snow Man” Daisuke Sakuma (32) opened his own Instagram on the 18th. On this day, Sakuma appeared on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation’s “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Waiting, It’s Impossible, It’s Tiring…” (Saturday…


Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma announces the opening of Instagram on a radio program “I want to make it exciting” for the 5th anniversary of his debut

Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma announces the opening of Instagram on a radio program “I want to make it exciting” for the 5th anniversary of his debut
“Snow Man” Daisuke Sakuma (32) opened his own Instagram on the 18th. On this day, Sakuma appeared on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Corporation’s “Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma’s Waiting, It’s Impossible, It’s Tiring…” (Saturday…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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