Sakurazaka46’s school life with Hikaru Morita, Yasuno Tamura, Sora Yamazaki, Natsuzu Fujiyoshi and others “Sakukoi” new movie release & major update announcement including YouTube special program. (ORICON NEWS) January 17th 12:54 · Sakura…


Former Sakurazaka46 member Yui Kobayashi releases her first solo calendar, and also holds a completely new cut event planned by herself.

Former Sakurazaka46 member Yui Kobayashi releases her first solo calendar, and also holds a completely new cut event planned by herself.
Sakurazaka46’s school life with Hikaru Morita, Yasuno Tamura, Sora Yamazaki, Natsuzu Fujiyoshi and others “Sakukoi” new movie release & major update announcement including YouTube special program. (ORICON NEWS) January 17th 12:54 · Sakura…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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