Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao (22) attended the opening day stage greeting for the movie “Muromachi Burai” (directed by Yu Irie) in Tokyo on the 17th. This work is a live-action film adaptation of novelist Ryosuke Kakine’s historical novel…


Naniwa boy Kento Nagao laughs bitterly at his “burly” senior’s tricks: “Are you there again…” – Yahoo! News

Naniwa boy Kento Nagao laughs bitterly at his “burly” senior’s tricks: “Are you there again…” – Yahoo! News
Naniwa Danshi Kento Nagao (22) attended the opening day stage greeting for the movie “Muromachi Burai” (directed by Yu Irie) in Tokyo on the 17th. This work is a live-action film adaptation of novelist Ryosuke Kakine’s historical novel…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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