Summary: Hokuto Matsumura (29) of SixTONES, who is in great condition as an actor, will be appearing in “Ensemble” starring Haruna Kawaguchi (29), which starts on January 18th (Nippon TV / Saturdays at 10:00), and is currently…


Difference in achievements compared to Snowman Meguro Ren Expected evolution in “Ensemble” co-starring with Haruna Kawaguchi

Difference in achievements compared to Snowman Meguro Ren Expected evolution in “Ensemble” co-starring with Haruna Kawaguchi
Summary: Hokuto Matsumura (29) of SixTONES, who is in great condition as an actor, will be appearing in “Ensemble” starring Haruna Kawaguchi (29), which starts on January 18th (Nippon TV / Saturdays at 10:00), and is currently…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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