Kumi Sasaki and Mirei Sasaki, who announced their graduation from Hinatazaka46, appear as a pair on the front cover of “B.L.T. March issue” to be released on January 28th. The group has been around since its predecessor, Keyakizaka46…


Kumi Sasaki and Mirei Sasaki announce their graduation from Hinatazaka46, holding hands with smiles and performing SHOT… – Excite

Kumi Sasaki and Mirei Sasaki announce their graduation from Hinatazaka46, holding hands with smiles and performing SHOT… – Excite
Kumi Sasaki and Mirei Sasaki, who announced their graduation from Hinatazaka46, appear as a pair on the front cover of “B.L.T. March issue” to be released on January 28th. The group has been around since its predecessor, Keyakizaka46…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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