Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yuto Nakajima appears in “Serial Drama W Gold Sunset” starring Seiyo Uchino Poster and trailer released. Crank in! · Seiyo Uchino will be the main character in “Gold Sunset”…


Scene photos of Satomi Kobayashi, Yuto Nakajima, Emi Wakui and others released for “Gold Sunset” starring Seiyo Uchino

Scene photos of Satomi Kobayashi, Yuto Nakajima, Emi Wakui and others released for “Gold Sunset” starring Seiyo Uchino
Hey! Say! JUMP’s Yuto Nakajima appears in “Serial Drama W Gold Sunset” starring Seiyo Uchino Poster and trailer released. Crank in! · Seiyo Uchino will be the main character in “Gold Sunset”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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