Haruna Kawaguchi, who loves hot springs, and Hokuto Matsumura, who is particular about bathing, explore the secret behind Kusatsu Onsen’s popularity! Haruna Kawaguchi and Hokuto Matsumura of SixTONES will appear on Nippon Television’s morning information broadcast on January 18th…


Haruna Kawaguchi & Hokuto Matsumura appear live on “Zoom In!! Saturday”! Try Kusatsu Onsen’s latest quiz

Haruna Kawaguchi & Hokuto Matsumura appear live on “Zoom In!! Saturday”! Try Kusatsu Onsen’s latest quiz
Haruna Kawaguchi, who loves hot springs, and Hokuto Matsumura, who is particular about bathing, explore the secret behind Kusatsu Onsen’s popularity! Haruna Kawaguchi and Hokuto Matsumura of SixTONES will appear on Nippon Television’s morning information broadcast on January 18th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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