(C) Nippon Television The second episode of the talk variety show “Sakusaku Himhim ☆Oshi no Furu Yoru☆” by Daisuke Sakuma (Snow Man) and Yuki Himura (Bananaman) will be aired in Japan…


Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma x Bananaman Yuki Himura’s loose talk “Sakusaku Him Him” ​​Part 2

Snow Man Daisuke Sakuma x Bananaman Yuki Himura’s loose talk “Sakusaku Him Him” ​​Part 2
(C) Nippon Television The second episode of the talk variety show “Sakusaku Himhim ☆Oshi no Furu Yoru☆” by Daisuke Sakuma (Snow Man) and Yuki Himura (Bananaman) will be aired in Japan…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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