The official Instagram of the drama series “Ikinari Marriage”, which is broadcast on the drama DEEP slot (Nippon TV, Tuesdays at 0:24 a.m.), has been updated, and stars Kyoko Saito and Yu Shirota…


Kyoko Saito > “Couple shot” with Yu Shirota released “I’m excited” and “I’m so excited” about the 35cm height difference

Kyoko Saito > “Couple shot” with Yu Shirota released “I’m excited” and “I’m so excited” about the 35cm height difference
The official Instagram of the drama series “Ikinari Marriage”, which is broadcast on the drama DEEP slot (Nippon TV, Tuesdays at 0:24 a.m.), has been updated, and stars Kyoko Saito and Yu Shirota…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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