[Yomiuri Shimbun] The film “Muromachi Burai” is set in Kyoto during the Muromachi period, when people suffered from famine and epidemics, and depicts people fighting against authority…


Naniwa Danshi’s Nagao Kento wants to be called “Saizou!”… His goal as an actor is to be called “that person” from whom his name comes…

Naniwa Danshi’s Nagao Kento wants to be called “Saizou!”… His goal as an actor is to be called “that person” from whom his name comes…
[Yomiuri Shimbun] The film “Muromachi Burai” is set in Kyoto during the Muromachi period, when people suffered from famine and epidemics, and depicts people fighting against authority…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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