“Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX” is the latest work in the “Gundam” series co-produced by Sunrise and Color. Prior to the broadcast of the TV series, some episodes will be shown in theaters…


A special program of Color x Sunrise’s new Gundam “Sieg Ax” will be broadcast on Nippon Television, featuring Kenshi Yonezu and Tsurumaki…

A special program of Color x Sunrise’s new Gundam “Sieg Ax” will be broadcast on Nippon Television, featuring Kenshi Yonezu and Tsurumaki…
“Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX” is the latest work in the “Gundam” series co-produced by Sunrise and Color. Prior to the broadcast of the TV series, some episodes will be shown in theaters…

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