Among them, Miyadate, Teru Iwamoto, and Tatsuya Fukasawa performed KAT-TUN’s “Real Face #2.” The tongue-clicking part, which is the highlight of the song, was arranged so that the three members took turns performing it…


Snow Man Shota Watanabe & Ryota Miyadate talk about the behind-the-scenes story of their first attempt at live streaming on New Year’s Eve “There was some pressure”

Snow Man Shota Watanabe & Ryota Miyadate talk about the behind-the-scenes story of their first attempt at live streaming on New Year’s Eve “There was some pressure”
Among them, Miyadate, Teru Iwamoto, and Tatsuya Fukasawa performed KAT-TUN’s “Real Face #2.” The tongue-clicking part, which is the highlight of the song, was arranged so that the three members took turns performing it…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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