“Kyokorohi” is a program in which Kyoko Saito and Hikorohi engage in low-toned “strange talk.” In the same program that aired on January 13th (Monday), Hikorohi expressed his desire for an affair…


Is the 35-year-old popular comedian yearning for an “infidelity”? Shocking statement from co-star: “If I wasn’t in this position…”

Is the 35-year-old popular comedian yearning for an “infidelity”? Shocking statement from co-star: “If I wasn’t in this position…”
“Kyokorohi” is a program in which Kyoko Saito and Hikorohi engage in low-toned “strange talk.” In the same program that aired on January 13th (Monday), Hikorohi expressed his desire for an affair…

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