KAT-TUN’s Yuichi Nakamaru (41), who serves as MC on the station’s radio program “Takahisa Masuda and Yuichi Nakamaru’s Masumaru Radio” (Wednesdays at 1:00 am), talked about his return. Nakamaru was featured in the news last August…


MBS Radio president “We haven’t reached the stage of making a decision yet” avoids comment on Yuichi Nakamaru’s prospects for return

MBS Radio president “We haven’t reached the stage of making a decision yet” avoids comment on Yuichi Nakamaru’s prospects for return
KAT-TUN’s Yuichi Nakamaru (41), who serves as MC on the station’s radio program “Takahisa Masuda and Yuichi Nakamaru’s Masumaru Radio” (Wednesdays at 1:00 am), talked about his return. Nakamaru was featured in the news last August…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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