Travis Japan’s new show, “Travis Japan’s Variety Dayze!!”, will begin broadcasting on Chukyo TV from 24:54 on January 22nd. Also, from 0:00 on January 17th on Prime Video…


Travis Japan’s newly crowned program “Travis Japan’s variety show!!” guest Nagano becomes Tatsuya Shichigosankake’s “strong fireman”

Travis Japan’s newly crowned program “Travis Japan’s variety show!!” guest Nagano becomes Tatsuya Shichigosankake’s “strong fireman”
Travis Japan’s new show, “Travis Japan’s Variety Dayze!!”, will begin broadcasting on Chukyo TV from 24:54 on January 22nd. Also, from 0:00 on January 17th on Prime Video…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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