Ryohei Abe of the idol group “SnowMan” appeared on Nippon Television’s “Laugh and Collete 2 Hours Special” (7 p.m.), which aired on the 15th. Facing the camera as part of a “entertainment world apology festival.”


“Snow Man” Ryohei Abe apologizes to his seniors for not reporting him as a “ZIP!” regular “If it’s true…

“Snow Man” Ryohei Abe apologizes to his seniors for not reporting him as a “ZIP!” regular “If it’s true…
Ryohei Abe of the idol group “SnowMan” appeared on Nippon Television’s “Laugh and Collete 2 Hours Special” (7 p.m.), which aired on the 15th. Facing the camera as part of a “entertainment world apology festival.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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