Hiroshi Oizumi plays the role of Hyoe, and Nagao Kenmo from “Naniwa Danshi” is assigned to play Saizo, a young man who is picked up by Hyoe and awakens. Speaking of films from the Muromachi period, the most recent one that comes to mind is Inuou, but…


“Muromachi Burai” starring Hiroshi Oizumi, a new age historical drama with a sense of authenticity and entertainment, will be released on January 17th.

“Muromachi Burai” starring Hiroshi Oizumi, a new age historical drama with a sense of authenticity and entertainment, will be released on January 17th.
Hiroshi Oizumi plays the role of Hyoe, and Nagao Kenmo from “Naniwa Danshi” is assigned to play Saizo, a young man who is picked up by Hyoe and awakens. Speaking of films from the Muromachi period, the most recent one that comes to mind is Inuou, but…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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