Nana Oda, a former member of Sakurazaka46 and currently active as an actor, updated her Instagram on the 15th. [Image] “It was a fun space.” Former Keyakizaka member Nana Oda…


Completely defeated by Tomato & Blood Orange High! ? Former Sakurazaka popular member’s off-shots are said to be too cute

Completely defeated by Tomato & Blood Orange High! ? Former Sakurazaka popular member’s off-shots are said to be too cute
Nana Oda, a former member of Sakurazaka46 and currently active as an actor, updated her Instagram on the 15th. [Image] “It was a fun space.” Former Keyakizaka member Nana Oda…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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