… Ae! group) took the stage with director Ayuko Tsukahara, who took the megaphone. He revealed the reaction to the film. Takuya Kimura (C) model press attending the movie “Grand Maison Paris”.


Takuya Kimura receives a lot of feedback about the movie from his juniors, and regrets his answer about “this year’s challenge”

Takuya Kimura receives a lot of feedback about the movie from his juniors, and regrets his answer about “this year’s challenge”
… Ae! group) took the stage with director Ayuko Tsukahara, who took the megaphone. He revealed the reaction to the film. Takuya Kimura (C) model press attending the movie “Grand Maison Paris”.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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