“Two Fuma Kikuchi” “timelesz project” (Typro) parody photo participation makes it a hot topic “Please apologize to Matsushima and Sato”. 2024.10.10 13:55. Model Press · Hidetaka Kano and others “timelesz…


Hidetaka Kano is impressed by the handmade presents from his fans, with many saying, “The quality is amazing” and “Is it for sale?”

Hidetaka Kano is impressed by the handmade presents from his fans, with many saying, “The quality is amazing” and “Is it for sale?”
“Two Fuma Kikuchi” “timelesz project” (Typro) parody photo participation makes it a hot topic “Please apologize to Matsushima and Sato”. 2024.10.10 13:55. Model Press · Hidetaka Kano and others “timelesz…

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