Hayakawa, the representative director of Yutopia Co., Ltd. (located in Kai City, Yamanashi Prefecture), which operates “Ryuo Radon Hot Spring Yutopia”, which has won the “Nifty Hot Spring Ranking” for four consecutive years…


Ranked 1st in 9 categories on Amazon! The book “Let’s create Japan’s best hot springs” by the representative of Yamanashi’s radon hot springs is now on sale…

Ranked 1st in 9 categories on Amazon! The book “Let’s create Japan’s best hot springs” by the representative of Yamanashi’s radon hot springs is now on sale…
Hayakawa, the representative director of Yutopia Co., Ltd. (located in Kai City, Yamanashi Prefecture), which operates “Ryuo Radon Hot Spring Yutopia”, which has won the “Nifty Hot Spring Ranking” for four consecutive years…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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