“Journey to Rediscover Kumamoto” is a travel subsidy project unique to the prefecture that grants discounts on lodging fees and electronic coupons that can be used at restaurants, etc., with the aim of recovering the local economy during the coronavirus pandemic.


Unauthorized receipt of benefits and use of coupons even though there is no record of lodging… Confirmed at 10 facilities on the “Journey to Rediscover Kumamoto”

Unauthorized receipt of benefits and use of coupons even though there is no record of lodging… Confirmed at 10 facilities on the “Journey to Rediscover Kumamoto”
“Journey to Rediscover Kumamoto” is a travel subsidy project unique to the prefecture that grants discounts on lodging fees and electronic coupons that can be used at restaurants, etc., with the aim of recovering the local economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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