“Wonderful Dreams Shinkansen” is a N700A with a special paint color, and will run between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka on the “Hikari” and “Kodama” trains for a limited time from February 21st to mid-September.


“JR” announces its first attempt after 60 years of operation “Limited time” from February 21st to mid-September – Current Topic Ranking

“JR” announces its first attempt after 60 years of operation “Limited time” from February 21st to mid-September – Current Topic Ranking
“Wonderful Dreams Shinkansen” is a N700A with a special paint color, and will run between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka on the “Hikari” and “Kodama” trains for a limited time from February 21st to mid-September.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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