“Dagashiya Bridge” was scheduled to relocate in January 2025, as reported in a previous article, but due to significant delays in construction work at the new location, the store in Ishibashi Shopping District will be closed for a period of time in January 2025. limited…


[Ikeda City] “Dagashiya Bridge” in Ishibashi Shopping District will reopen for a limited time!

[Ikeda City] “Dagashiya Bridge” in Ishibashi Shopping District will reopen for a limited time!
“Dagashiya Bridge” was scheduled to relocate in January 2025, as reported in a previous article, but due to significant delays in construction work at the new location, the store in Ishibashi Shopping District will be closed for a period of time in January 2025. limited…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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