The other day, it became a hot topic that actress Riho Yoshioka’s smartphone was too old. Yoshioka, who is appearing in the TBS Sunday Theater “Ogami Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka, attended the drama’s performance on January 12th…


Riho Yoshioka has used iPhone XS for 7 years…Celebrities who stick with older models of mobile phones

Riho Yoshioka has used iPhone XS for 7 years…Celebrities who stick with older models of mobile phones
The other day, it became a hot topic that actress Riho Yoshioka’s smartphone was too old. Yoshioka, who is appearing in the TBS Sunday Theater “Ogami Sensei” starring Tori Matsuzaka, attended the drama’s performance on January 12th…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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