Teabing’s original series “Shunga Love Story” (written by Seo Eun-jung, directed by Lee Kwang-young) is an extraordinary collection of love stories “Shunga Love Story” about a public who fails at their first love while the capital is shaken…


Gongju Go Ara becomes the protagonist of a scandal that shook the eastern countries. Teabing Original Series…

Gongju Go Ara becomes the protagonist of a scandal that shook the eastern countries. Teabing Original Series…
Teabing’s original series “Shunga Love Story” (written by Seo Eun-jung, directed by Lee Kwang-young) is an extraordinary collection of love stories “Shunga Love Story” about a public who fails at their first love while the capital is shaken…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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