Noa, the eldest daughter of entertainer Nozomi Tsuji and actor Taiyo Sugiura, appeared on ABEMA’s popular love reality show “Today I Love You” which aired on the 13th.


Nozomi Tsuji’s eldest daughter, Nozomi, who is the person she is interested in on the love reality show… Her ideal type is “lots of love…”

Nozomi Tsuji’s eldest daughter, Nozomi, who is the person she is interested in on the love reality show… Her ideal type is “lots of love…”
Noa, the eldest daughter of entertainer Nozomi Tsuji and actor Taiyo Sugiura, appeared on ABEMA’s popular love reality show “Today I Love You” which aired on the 13th.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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