Kuro-chan of the comedy trio Yasuda Daicircus did a live broadcast where he talked about his former talent Richi, who had broken up with him, saying, “I hope both Kuro-chan and Richi are happy” and “As a comedian…


“Stop it!” Kuro-chan considers Richi, who has become an “ordinary person,” “Stalking her around and asking her family about it.”

“Stop it!” Kuro-chan considers Richi, who has become an “ordinary person,” “Stalking her around and asking her family about it.”
Kuro-chan of the comedy trio Yasuda Daicircus did a live broadcast where he talked about his former talent Richi, who had broken up with him, saying, “I hope both Kuro-chan and Richi are happy” and “As a comedian…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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