Kuro-chan (48) of the comedy trio “Yasuda Dai Circus” has broken up with her boyfriend of two years, Richi, and Kuro-chan’s “best friend” and entertainer Minami Takahashi (33)…


Minami Takahashi mentions the breakup of her “best friend” Kuro-chan, “Kurokawa-san will have a review meeting soon” – TV Asahi News

Minami Takahashi mentions the breakup of her “best friend” Kuro-chan, “Kurokawa-san will have a review meeting soon” – TV Asahi News
Kuro-chan (48) of the comedy trio “Yasuda Dai Circus” has broken up with her boyfriend of two years, Richi, and Kuro-chan’s “best friend” and entertainer Minami Takahashi (33)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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