The morning drama “Omusubi” is an original story about a heroine born in 1989, played by Kanna Hashimoto, who works as a nutritionist to connect people’s hearts and the future. The episode broadcast on Tuesday, January 21st…


Tomorrow’s “Omusubi” Ayumu (Riisa Naka) worries about Mika’s (Rena Matsui) love life (Sankei Shimbun)

Tomorrow’s “Omusubi” Ayumu (Riisa Naka) worries about Mika’s (Rena Matsui) love life (Sankei Shimbun)
The morning drama “Omusubi” is an original story about a heroine born in 1989, played by Kanna Hashimoto, who works as a nutritionist to connect people’s hearts and the future. The episode broadcast on Tuesday, January 21st…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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