Congratulations to Heisei Nobushikobushi member Takashi Yoshimura who announced his marriage. Yoshimura posted on X (former Twitter) on the 1st, “Heisei Nobushikobushi Takashi Yoshimura is getting married today to a female office worker in her 30s…”


Michopa talks about the behind-the-scenes story of Nobukobu Yoshimura’s “marriage announcement”… Who is your partner? “How much can I say…”

Michopa talks about the behind-the-scenes story of Nobukobu Yoshimura’s “marriage announcement”… Who is your partner? “How much can I say…”
Congratulations to Heisei Nobushikobushi member Takashi Yoshimura who announced his marriage. Yoshimura posted on X (former Twitter) on the 1st, “Heisei Nobushikobushi Takashi Yoshimura is getting married today to a female office worker in her 30s…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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