Sakamoto of the comedy duo “Mayurika” will appear live on TBS’s “Leave it to Akko!” broadcast on the 19th (Sunday, 11:45 a.m.). I reported my marriage live. On the program, Sakamoto said on December 28th last year…


“Mayurika” Sakamoto announces marriage live: “On the way home from work, I suddenly got on LINE”…”Akko…

“Mayurika” Sakamoto announces marriage live: “On the way home from work, I suddenly got on LINE”…”Akko…
Sakamoto of the comedy duo “Mayurika” will appear live on TBS’s “Leave it to Akko!” broadcast on the 19th (Sunday, 11:45 a.m.). I reported my marriage live. On the program, Sakamoto said on December 28th last year…

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