Drama Choose starring Kazuki Sakai, Yujiro Shirakawa, Shota Gogami, and Hiroaki Iwanaga from the popular chorus group Junretsu! “Tonight is…Junretsu” (TV Tokyo and others every Tuesday at 24:30…


A hilarious and honest talk that Junretsu can say now! We will talk about Shota Gogami’s marriage and future activities…

A hilarious and honest talk that Junretsu can say now! We will talk about Shota Gogami’s marriage and future activities…
Drama Choose starring Kazuki Sakai, Yujiro Shirakawa, Shota Gogami, and Hiroaki Iwanaga from the popular chorus group Junretsu! “Tonight is…Junretsu” (TV Tokyo and others every Tuesday at 24:30…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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