Osaka (27) of the comedy duo Chukentachi Hachi High School updated his X by the 18th. He announced that he is engaged to Ogin Kurokawa (26) of the comedy duo Chopoden.


Highly educated female entertainer who graduated from Sophia University says, “I got married.” The next day, she makes a rare apology, saying, “I caused a misunderstanding.” She and her senior comedian…

Highly educated female entertainer who graduated from Sophia University says, “I got married.” The next day, she makes a rare apology, saying, “I caused a misunderstanding.” She and her senior comedian…
Osaka (27) of the comedy duo Chukentachi Hachi High School updated his X by the 18th. He announced that he is engaged to Ogin Kurokawa (26) of the comedy duo Chopoden.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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