Osaka (27), a member of the comedy duo Chukentachi Hachiko, updated his X (formerly Twitter) account by the 18th and announced his marriage. Osaka said, “I’m married!!! I will make this man happy!


Chukentachi Hachi High School’s Osaka announces marriage with comedian “I will make this man happy!” Two shots of the newlyweds are also released

Chukentachi Hachi High School’s Osaka announces marriage with comedian “I will make this man happy!” Two shots of the newlyweds are also released
Osaka (27), a member of the comedy duo Chukentachi Hachiko, updated his X (formerly Twitter) account by the 18th and announced his marriage. Osaka said, “I’m married!!! I will make this man happy!

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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