Hokuto Matsumura, who plays Madohara, and Kei Tanaka, who plays Sena’s ex-boyfriend Shuya Ui, are also actors with extensive experience appearing in romantic dramas. Including Haruna Kawaguchi, it can be said that it is a solid lineup as a romantic drama…


“Ensemble” asks about “cospa” and “taipa” in love – Real Sound|Real Sound

“Ensemble” asks about “cospa” and “taipa” in love – Real Sound|Real Sound
Hokuto Matsumura, who plays Madohara, and Kei Tanaka, who plays Sena’s ex-boyfriend Shuya Ui, are also actors with extensive experience appearing in romantic dramas. Including Haruna Kawaguchi, it can be said that it is a solid lineup as a romantic drama…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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