Taizo Harada recently took to the stage to celebrate the completion of his movie “Under the Big Onion” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo. Bakufu Slump’s song “Under the Big Onion”…


Taizo Harada, love story from when he was 15 years old: “Even after we broke up, I confessed to you 13 times…You pulled back, right?” – Yahoo! News

Taizo Harada, love story from when he was 15 years old: “Even after we broke up, I confessed to you 13 times…You pulled back, right?” – Yahoo! News
Taizo Harada recently took to the stage to celebrate the completion of his movie “Under the Big Onion” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo. Bakufu Slump’s song “Under the Big Onion”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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