Masamichi Amamoto, the owner of the famous sushi restaurant “Higashiazabu Tenmoto,” which suddenly received two Michelin stars less than a year after opening, announced on his Instagram by the 16th that he had gotten married.


Owner of famous sushi restaurant “Higashiazabu Tenbon” gets married, congratulatory comments from celebrities such as Mai Satoda and Hanetaku one after another

Owner of famous sushi restaurant “Higashiazabu Tenbon” gets married, congratulatory comments from celebrities such as Mai Satoda and Hanetaku one after another
Masamichi Amamoto, the owner of the famous sushi restaurant “Higashiazabu Tenmoto,” which suddenly received two Michelin stars less than a year after opening, announced on his Instagram by the 16th that he had gotten married.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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