Shunsuke Ito (35) of the comedy duo “Oswald” attended the “Shin Sangoku Musou ORIGINS” completion presentation held in Tokyo on the 16th. Her younger sister, actress Ito, announced her marriage on the 4th of this month…


Shunsuke Ito reprimanded for revealing Sari’s marriage – BIGLOBE News

Shunsuke Ito reprimanded for revealing Sari’s marriage – BIGLOBE News
Shunsuke Ito (35) of the comedy duo “Oswald” attended the “Shin Sangoku Musou ORIGINS” completion presentation held in Tokyo on the 16th. Her younger sister, actress Ito, announced her marriage on the 4th of this month…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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