Kana Nakanishi (27), a former member of the idol group ANGERME, updated her Instagram by the 16th. She announced her marriage to lawyer Katsuya Fukunaga. Nakanishi is “an ordinary person…


Former Angerme Kana Nakanishi announces marriage to lawyer Fukunaga: “It’s easy to be misunderstood, but he’s really kind and sincere.”

Former Angerme Kana Nakanishi announces marriage to lawyer Fukunaga: “It’s easy to be misunderstood, but he’s really kind and sincere.”
Kana Nakanishi (27), a former member of the idol group ANGERME, updated her Instagram by the 16th. She announced her marriage to lawyer Katsuya Fukunaga. Nakanishi is “an ordinary person…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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