On the 15th, Taizo Harada of the comedy trio Neptune attended a stage greeting for the completion of the movie “Under the Big Onion” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo, where actor Kamio, who played the lead role…


Neptune Taizo Harada’s 15-year-old’s extremely pure love confession: “We broke up once and then confessed about 13 times…

Neptune Taizo Harada’s 15-year-old’s extremely pure love confession: “We broke up once and then confessed about 13 times…
On the 15th, Taizo Harada of the comedy trio Neptune attended a stage greeting for the completion of the movie “Under the Big Onion” (released on February 7th) in Tokyo, where actor Kamio, who played the lead role…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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