… Manga Artist Mamoru Hori” is a scenario based on the original work by seta, who continues to engage in a wide range of creative activities such as music and writing. Three people stand in front of a new manga artist who can no longer draw…


A stage greeting for the screening of “Hori Mamoru” in Okayama with singer-songwriter seta from Soja City and Momoka…

A stage greeting for the screening of “Hori Mamoru” in Okayama with singer-songwriter seta from Soja City and Momoka…
… Manga Artist Mamoru Hori” is a scenario based on the original work by seta, who continues to engage in a wide range of creative activities such as music and writing. Three people stand in front of a new manga artist who can no longer draw…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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