The manga “Part-Time Leader Higashimura” by Toshiya Barashiya. Nana Hashimoto, a first-year university student, begins a part-time job at a restaurant that she has always dreamed of working at. Mix various drinks and spices…


[Manga] A person with an “unparalleled tongue” who is involved in menu development even though he works part-time [Part-Time Leader Higashimura Vol.40]

[Manga] A person with an “unparalleled tongue” who is involved in menu development even though he works part-time [Part-Time Leader Higashimura Vol.40]
The manga “Part-Time Leader Higashimura” by Toshiya Barashiya. Nana Hashimoto, a first-year university student, begins a part-time job at a restaurant that she has always dreamed of working at. Mix various drinks and spices…

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