First, we will introduce lucky bags from restaurants and posters celebrating the New Year. The lucky bag sale is being held all over Akihabara, but it seems to be spreading to restaurants as well. Mapo on junk street…


Restaurant Lucky Bags/New Year Greetings, Street Sales of Mapo Tofu on Junk Street, First in the Industry? Shake at Manga Cafe…

Restaurant Lucky Bags/New Year Greetings, Street Sales of Mapo Tofu on Junk Street, First in the Industry? Shake at Manga Cafe…
First, we will introduce lucky bags from restaurants and posters celebrating the New Year. The lucky bag sale is being held all over Akihabara, but it seems to be spreading to restaurants as well. Mapo on junk street…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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