It was announced on the 14th that actor Toshihisa Hagiwara (25) and actress Kotone Furukawa (28) will be taking on the challenge of anime voice acting for the first time in the movie “Hana Rokusho ga Aru Hi” which will be released this year.


Toshihisa Hagiwara and Kotone Furukawa, their first attempt at anime voice acting, the 25th year movie “Hana Ryokusei ga Aru Hi” starring double actors

Toshihisa Hagiwara and Kotone Furukawa, their first attempt at anime voice acting, the 25th year movie “Hana Ryokusei ga Aru Hi” starring double actors
It was announced on the 14th that actor Toshihisa Hagiwara (25) and actress Kotone Furukawa (28) will be taking on the challenge of anime voice acting for the first time in the movie “Hana Rokusho ga Aru Hi” which will be released this year.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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