When she showed off her coming-of-age ceremony shot with Kazu Inoue, fans responded. Nogizaka46 held their annual coming of age ceremony at Nogi Shrine on the 9th. This year, 4th generation Tsutsui and 5th generation…


Nogizaka46’s Ayame Tsutsui releases her coming-of-age ceremony shot with Kazu Inoue “Beautiful” “Nice photo” – MSN

Nogizaka46’s Ayame Tsutsui releases her coming-of-age ceremony shot with Kazu Inoue “Beautiful” “Nice photo” – MSN
When she showed off her coming-of-age ceremony shot with Kazu Inoue, fans responded. Nogizaka46 held their annual coming of age ceremony at Nogi Shrine on the 9th. This year, 4th generation Tsutsui and 5th generation…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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