The second season of the new TV anime “Amagami Family’s Enmusubi”, which began broadcasting in October 2024, will begin today, January 14th (Tuesday). This time, the 14th episode will be broadcast for the first time…


[Broadcast begins] The anime “Amagami Family’s Enmusubi” has entered its second season! The first cut of the 14th episode has been released.

[Broadcast begins] The anime “Amagami Family’s Enmusubi” has entered its second season! The first cut of the 14th episode has been released.
The second season of the new TV anime “Amagami Family’s Enmusubi”, which began broadcasting in October 2024, will begin today, January 14th (Tuesday). This time, the 14th episode will be broadcast for the first time…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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