On the 14th, Taro Suzuki (51), a professional mahjong player who belongs to Akasaka Drivens of the professional mahjong league “M League”, once again informed his fans of his marriage to Mika Mizuguchi (37), a popular female professional…


“M League” Akasaka Driven’s Taro Suzuki announces marriage “My wife is always…” His partner is Mika Mizuguchi

“M League” Akasaka Driven’s Taro Suzuki announces marriage “My wife is always…” His partner is Mika Mizuguchi
On the 14th, Taro Suzuki (51), a professional mahjong player who belongs to Akasaka Drivens of the professional mahjong league “M League”, once again informed his fans of his marriage to Mika Mizuguchi (37), a popular female professional…

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