Snow Man’s Ren Meguro (27) made a surprise appearance on the 14th after the screening of the film he stars in, “Trillion Game the Movie” (directed by Yoshiaki Murao, to be released on February 14th), which was premiered in Tokyo for the first time. “…


Snow Man Meguro Ren “If I hadn’t found this work, I wouldn’t have been able to get it” (Sponichi Annex)

Snow Man Meguro Ren “If I hadn’t found this work, I wouldn’t have been able to get it” (Sponichi Annex)
Snow Man’s Ren Meguro (27) made a surprise appearance on the 14th after the screening of the film he stars in, “Trillion Game the Movie” (directed by Yoshiaki Murao, to be released on February 14th), which was premiered in Tokyo for the first time. “…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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