A spin-off drama of “Kaseifu no Mitazono” starring TOKIO’s Masahiro Matsuoka. Hey!Say!JUMP’s Kei Inoo will star in the drama, which will be streamed on TELASA from January 14th.


Hey! Say! JUMP Inoo Kei will star in the spin-off drama of “Kaseifu no Mitazono”, the second episode of “Kasei Negative Hikaru”…

Hey! Say! JUMP Inoo Kei will star in the spin-off drama of “Kaseifu no Mitazono”, the second episode of “Kasei Negative Hikaru”…
A spin-off drama of “Kaseifu no Mitazono” starring TOKIO’s Masahiro Matsuoka. Hey!Say!JUMP’s Kei Inoo will star in the drama, which will be streamed on TELASA from January 14th.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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